Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hail to Thee

I fear greatly for racing Thoroughbreds, but we seem to manage to watch the Kentucky Derby each year at the barn. I don't care who wins, but I always pray for them to just make it safely to the finish line without injury. Our tiny TV is in the middle of the barn.
Gabriel is our 25 year old stallion was race horse. He won 17 of his races and come in second and third several times. He ran in 98 races. He won a hard earned $100,000 for his owners in that time. He has been away from the track for 18 years. But every time he hears the trumpets at the start of the race, he lifts his head and stares off into the distance with the “look of eagles”. He still remembers. My magnificent silver stallion, “Hail to Thee” was his name, my beautiful old man.


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