I just want you to know that Pink hated you to her last breath, who
ever you are.
She was soft as a kitten and the color of pink cotton candy. She
should have belonged to, and been loved by a little girl all her
life, but she wasn't.
She was tortured by you. She tried to dance
for you during her episodes of Post Traumatic Stress, we saw the
anxiety come into her eyes when she remembered you. She would lift
her legs, one, two, three, four. Then she would growl, roar, and kick
out, she would bite the wall in rage! You think you broke her? Well
you're wrong!
I saw her when she lay down for the last time, the ligaments in her
legs gone. I watched her dream about you. I saw her kick and strike
and bite you over and over again. All the years that went by, but she
never forgot you. I pray that during this very last dream she finally
killed you.
I sat at her head and petted her face, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes, I told her that I had her back and I would protect her from you while she slept in peace until the very end.
And so, Torturer, in the end, she won. She fought you one more time. Her spirit so strong that you could not break it.
I sat at her head and petted her face, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes, I told her that I had her back and I would protect her from you while she slept in peace until the very end.
And so, Torturer, in the end, she won. She fought you one more time. Her spirit so strong that you could not break it.
now is peacefully dead. Safe from the memory of you, never again will
you haunt her. Awake or asleep she could not escape the memory of
your abuse. It is over now.
And so all you others out there that think it's okay to abuse “dumb” animals, all you who think it's okay to maim, cripple or mutilate them in the name of sport, fashion, or “tradition” - cutting off dog's ears, horse's tails, horse tripping, bull and dog fighting, abusive “training” practices, the soring and tail breaking of the gaited horses, Spanish “dancing” horse trainers, Rollkur, etc. - Do you really think animals are so unaware? That this is acceptable? Really??
And so all you others out there that think it's okay to abuse “dumb” animals, all you who think it's okay to maim, cripple or mutilate them in the name of sport, fashion, or “tradition” - cutting off dog's ears, horse's tails, horse tripping, bull and dog fighting, abusive “training” practices, the soring and tail breaking of the gaited horses, Spanish “dancing” horse trainers, Rollkur, etc. - Do you really think animals are so unaware? That this is acceptable? Really??
Well Mr. Torturer of Pretty in Pink, you are a Loser! This
dear sweet soul responded to our love, she chose a human to be her
very best friend. She loved her
Aly. She came to us emotionally damaged and mentally shattered, but
she never stopped hating you. Do you think horses don't have
emotions? That they don't remember their enemies? Well, with my own
eyes, I am a witness that you are dead
Poor innocent, beautiful, little
Pink mare, may we find her again in paradise, untainted by fears,
horror, and hatred of the torturer.
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