it amazing that every thing just knows what to do? What was just dirt
a month ago is now abundant plant growth. Flowers everywhere – bugs
where there were no bugs. Birds with nests full of chicks – dragon
flies follow the horses around feeding on the flies and mosquitos.
Everything in it's place in time, programed to perform it's duties on
schedule. Like a perfect clock, a choriographed dance of the seasons.
horses are part of this dance. In February the geldings spar for
dominance, though they can no longer be fathers, their spirits
remember. They mess around over the fences and yank each other's
halters off. At EOTS we try not to put the boys next to each other in
spring and we just take their halters off. We are aware of their part
in the dance.
boys settle down by April or May and the mares come into season. It's
their turn on stage. They get noisy and holler to each other. They
perform for the boys and are generally juicy and frustrated. Their
bodies are prepared to be impregnated. The boys have that “Gee you
smell good, but now what do I do?” look on their faces. By July
everyone settles down and just eats and doses in the heat of the
October the mares start again calling to each other, wanting to be
together. Winter is coming and they know there is safety in numbers
and their phantom foals will need to be protected by the”herd”.
so it goes – every living thing goes through the cycles of life
performing the dance. We humans watch, we are amazed – those of us
who notice- without any help from us – it all endures. We are all
just onlookers with no real control over anything. Without us, it
would all go on.
is a time for every season under heaven. - Ecc 3:1-8
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