Monday, November 1, 2004


We promised that we'd tell you more about Butterfly, our new miniature hourse. Finally, here we are:

Butterfly, our tiny somewhat blind mini-horse, is doing great. She is two years old and has grown into a more “horse-like” shape. She was very funny looking at first with a huge belly and not much else. Everything has caught up with everything else. Though not “show quality,” she’s pretty darn adorable. She’s about thirty inches tall with hair the same color and texture of a baby chick. She reminds me of those marshmallow peeps they sell at Easter time.

I can see why mini’s are often little monsters. They’re so darn tiny that you hate to get after them like a big horse. Butterfly has gotten very good at kicking us when we least expect it. While bringing her in one day on a lead, she cantered past me, somehow curled her body around me and kicked me behind the knee! A rather athletic maneuver, I’d say, and quite a surprise to me! Now she knows what “no” means and usually stops her naughtiness, at least most of the time. She is extremely smart and independent and makes the big mares stand up and take notice when she gives the what for! Even our alpha mare, Fancy, backs off with a puzzled look when the mad Butterfly puts her foot down! I guess it goes to show you, in the grand scheme of things, size is not all that important.

Butterfly is also, I believe, pregnant. That may make a difference in their attitude towards her. She was in a farm living as a wild thing with six hundred other little horses, breeding indiscriminately. She has not come in heat since we got her, though surrounded by all our wanna-be stud muffins (we have five geldings and one stallion). I have mixed feelings about her pregnancy. It is exciting and wonderful, but also scary. She is so small and so young. But what will be will be. We’ll deal with it when the time comes! Butterfly has a sponsor, who pays for her support. Because of her failing eyesight (she has iris cysts) she will remain with us for life. She will not be available for fostering.

See a photo of the other horses checking Butterfly out on the day of her arrival.


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