Monday, November 11, 2013

Memories of Junebug

Junebug was always shedding!
I realized today that I have been taking care of some of the Eye of the Storm horses for ten years now! That's a long time to have known, loved and cared for anyone. Junebug was one who was there from the beginning. She is everyone's “first” at EOTS. Whenever we had a new volunteer, Junebug was the first for them to lead in or out, the first for them to groom, the first for them to fall in love with. Whenever Junebug walked by we had an on-going joke of “watch out! She's fast!” and “she's a wild one – hold onto her tight!” - Junebug did NOT find this as funny as we did! Regardless of whether a new volunteer was leading her or if we just left the gate open for her, she would teeter her way into the barn, grabbing a bite or two on her way in of whatever goody she could find.
Despite her physical difficulties Junebug had a very important mission at Eye of the Storm, not just in comforting our horses who are reaching their final days, but also in welcoming and teaching our new volunteers.

While she wasn't the biggest fan of children – she knew it was her job to take care of them. There was one day we had an entire girl scout troop come in to meet the horses, Junebug was volunteered to be their grooming project (she is well known for her extreme shedding!). Buggy stood like a stone while 5-10 girls climbed all around her, combing and currying and brushing every inch of her tiny self. She was eternally patient. When she was done she politely put her head against me (as I held her) and told me she was ready to go back to her stall. At Eye of the Storm we don't ask much of our horses – and usually, when we do need something from them they are happy to oblige, especially Buggy. We will all miss her.
All dolled up by the girls!


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